[radiodienst]- WEB-SDR ontvansgst via Fontys university Eindhoven PI5FTS

[RADIODIENST]- PI5FTS [Directe link] 
uw buurtfotograaf en zendamateur (PA0WFB) vond bijgaande informatie op het net 
  PI5FTS at Fontys University Eindhoven

PI5FTS home

Welcome to the VHF/UHF WebSDR at PI5FTS

Contact e-mail: PI5FTS-at-gmail.com
Thanks to Pieter Tjerk de Boer PA3FWM for creating WebSDR !
More information about the WebSDR project can be found at www.websdr.org For our HF bands WebSDR connect to HF WebSDR
>>> Note: Antennas may be disconnected during TX-activity at PI5FTS <<<
    NERG and KIVI Telecom
    Foundation Bossche Radio Amateur Club
    Maxwell Foundation
    Fontys University

Maintenance of the station PI5FTS: MORSE Team

Automated satellite tracking system

To see and hear the downlink signals of the tracked satellite, select 'amsat' in the WebSDR


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